Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Keegan and I went Trunk or Treating this year at Valley Shepard Church. We met the Histand family there. The kids went from vehicle to vehicle treating for candies. It was cute to see how decorative some of the trunks and people were.
Handy Keegan

All decked out with his goggles, tools and tool belt.

Mr Handyman, Miss Ladybug and Mr Buzz Lightyear.

Mic-key M-o-u-s-e, Mickey Mouse

Sugar high bring it on!!!

The kids decorated cookies and spent time petting some of the animals they brought in to see.

The Spidey Yost Kids

Keegan had a BLAST handing out candies to the trick or treating kids. He filled their bags and pillowcases by the handfuls. The kids were amazed to see how much he was giving out. He even growled at one of the older kids wolf costume when they came to the door. After his sugar high auntie Louisa read him a book gearing him up for bedtime.
Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Berry Ranch

Fun outting to The Berry Ranch, one fall day.

Cousin Grace came along to see the animals and pick pumpkins.

Olivia testing out the old John Deere.

The kidlets checking out the chickens.

Petting the sheep and cows.

Owen's picked himself a perfect pumpkin.

Olivia trying to make it back holding her own.

Keegan's got his little pumpkin picked.

The kids feeding the sheep. Watch out for those fingers!!

Hah, try getting each kids to smile for a picture. Not happening!!

Happy Fall!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kendal's Baby Shower

Kendal's baby shower was held at my sister in law Beth's house. There was such an array of yummy food, fun games, great friends and wonderful gifts that a girl could ever ask for.

Kelly, Me and soon to be Miss Kendal.

My growing Kendal

Can't wait to dig into this chocolate cake. Love it!!

Ready for the gift giving time.
My co workers here to join in on the fun.

Awe, my Chasey blanket!! I LOVE IT!!! Let me tell you, Miss Kendal is going to be the best dressed and most stylish girl in Nampa.

Thank you everyone who made this shower possible, for those who attended and for all of the wonderful gifts and great support! MUAH!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

32 Week Ultrasound

Here is our girl at my 32 week ultrasound. Everything is looking good. We are just awaiting her arrival.