Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bubble Bubbles Bubbles

Keegan loves anything having to do with bubbles. Whenever he has the opportunity to go outside, his bubbles have to go with. To help with spillage, I found this bubble gun. Needless to say it only lasted a couple of days before it quite working.

He's a bubble machine.


The bubbly grass.

Hours of entertainment!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's Official

Brad wanted to prove that the US can still score on the Canadians, so he did and look where it got us.....
Look who gets to be a BIG brother!!!

Image from the first ultrasound. Looks like a little Devil to me from the shot. Maybe another boy then or will it be a girl?

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Easter dinner was spent at our house this year with Brad's dad and siblings. Brad made a great turkey. It was like Thanksgiving dinner just a few months early. Earlier that morning I hid some eggs around the house for an egg hunt for the kids but before my very eyes, Keegan found all 18 eggs that I had hidden and placed them in the entertainment center. Didn't think he would pick up on it that quick, but never underestimate a 2 year old. Instead of placing the eggs throughout the house. Brad did an Easter egg hunt outside for Keegan and Grace.

All of the eggs strategically placed to be found.
Keegan refilling his basket after loosing a couple of eggs as he went down the small grade in the backyard.
Look at all of those eggs. Wonder what's inside?

Grace decided the best way to keep track of her eggs was to just hold on to them. That way it prevented them from falling out of her basket every couple of minutes as she scurried for more.

Thought it would be fun to dye some Easter eggs this year. Didn't get too creative though.

My cutie pie!!!

Check it out!!

Look what the Easter Bunny has left. A new movie "UP", undies for potty training and some jelly beans. Perfect!!!
Time to dig in.
Playing with his funny faces egg.
Taylor made the kids homemade chocolate bunnies. Um, um, GOOD!!!

Sticky hands, sticky face and a whole lot of fun.

Chilling with Thomas and Spide watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.