Saturday, August 28, 2010

Winnipeg Beach

My mom and I took Keegan back to Winnipeg Beach again this year to visit Flo and Del at the cabin. It was a busy fun filled day with all of the kids and their kids and grand kids.
Keegan and Joshua because close buddies from the beginning. Joshua had a follower for the rest of the day.

Loading up on chocolate already!!!

Flo keeping us company recalling my many trips I have made there over the years. Plus she couldn't get over how big and busy Keegan is.

Keegan had a ton of fun and kids to play with. He also because good buds with Kayden.

It started to rain on his head while he was mowing the lawn but he didn't care.

He kept on.

Looks like Keegan and Kayden were plotting their next steps.

My mom and Flo

Keegan and Auntie Donna enjoying Jeanne's Cake. I can't visit Winnipeg without eating several slices of one. Of course, I got the biggest and best slice!!! All of us kids were fighting for it.
Took all of the kids down to the water on such a gloomy cool day. It was only like 63 degrees out, but they insisted. Keegan loved every minute of it.

Inching their way into the water. The water was super high this year compared to the previous year. There was barely a beached area to sit on.

Marty pulling the boys around in the raft.

The darkness across the beach

Keegan and grandma on a stroll.

Playing in the sand. What to build?

Keegan and pappos getting ready to work on the lawn mower.

Leave it to them to figure it out!!

Thank you all for such a great BBQ and wonderful visit!! We miss you all daily!!!

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