Thursday, August 26, 2010

Riverside Park

At the end of August Keegan and I made a trip back to Grand Forks and then to Canada to visit friends and family. On this day, my mom, Keegan and I met up with one of my college friends Andrea and her daughter Kaelyn at Riverside Park. The kids played and we visited for about an hour then went to the Blue Moose for lunch. That used to be one of my favorite restaurants in Grand Forks.
Keegan trying to figure out exactly how he is going to get to the top of this tunnel by sticking his hands and feet in these holes. Then slid down the other side once he mastered it.

Wee, Wee
Andrea and I both pregnant at the same time again. The kids will be about one month apart this time instead of two. Both having GIRLS!!
Keegan the fainting goat, upset about something...
Okay, it's time to get up so we can go have lunch. What a nice day for the kids to play at the park.

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